One Lovely Blog Award

one-lovely-blog-awardWe have the honor of thanking teapotfox for sharing the One Lovely Blog Award with us.  teapotfox is a wonderful blog filled with crafty ideas that are simple, practical and lovely!

It’s really an honor to be nominated, particularly by a blogger whose blog Chloé and I can enjoy together!  The rules are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself (and your fellow bloggers).

a) Chloé and Rachel each finished writing a book in November!
b) My sun sign is Cancer and my moon sign is Scorpio.
c) Rachel is left-handed.
d) André plays the violin.
e) Patrice plays the piano.
f) Yves (who hasn’t posted on this site yet) is learning to read right now!

4. Pass the award on to 10 nominees. Here are 10 lovely blogs we enjoy following:

a) A Word In Your Ear, terrific travel tales and inspiring photographs from around the world
b) Subhan Zein, who is inspiring the world with his words
c) Give me 5 minutes a day and I’ll give you a happier, more successful life!, who reminds us of the beauty of life and how to appreciate it.
d) Le Zoe Musings, who inspires us to make every day beautiful and special.
e) The Other Side of Ugly, whose beautiful poetry inspires and reminds us of our own divinity.
f) Round Trip Ticket, who manages to make us hungry every single day!
g) sarahlouisek, who is a delightful person and reminds us not to lose sight of the letter “f” for “fun” in the word life!
h) Ron Mayhew Photography, who reminds us how lucky we are to live on such a beautiful planet!
i) from the Bartolini kitchens, who inspires us to make (and enjoy) great homemade Italian food every day!

24 responses to “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Congratulations for receiving this award. I’m sure that many more are headed your way. Clever way to respond to the questions, too, and it was nice of you to share the spotlight, so to speak.
    Thanks for nominating me for the award and including me in such great company.

  2. Congratulations Jeanette to you and your Team. 4 thumbs up to All of You. Will I only have 2 thumbs..but if I had 4 they would be all up for your nomination of this award. The things You All post about shows your true love and honest feelings for what is important to you.

    Thanks for viewing my blog and I appreciate always your comments and readership to Savor the Food. 🙂

    Chef Randall

  3. Congrats Jeanette! Thanks also for the nomination. I am feeling a little overwhelmed though, now that I see what is involved. I was always one of those people who broke chain letters, so boy does that make me realize this nomination might not be the best fit for me! I sort of hate to feel that I will burden 10 other bloggers. Geez I’m sorry…based on everyone’s comments, I am in the minority. Clearly.
    I am still grateful to you for considering me. Thank you.

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