Preparing the Poulet Braisé (Ivorian Grilled Chicken) Recipe

This is a photo essay on how to prepare the Poulet Braisé (Ivorian Grilled Chicken) recipe my little sister shared yesterday. I enjoy eating this dish with my family on Fridays in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. It is a great treat for me and my siblings.

When Poulet Braisé is on the grill, the aroma fills the house and makes everyone’s stomach growl.  We struggle to keep our minds off the odor until it is time to sit down at the table.

When it’s finally time to eat, we rush to serve ourselves.  I’m usually so excited that I forget to wait for everyone else. The moment I bite into a piece of chicken my mouth is filled with its spicy flavor.  I enjoy every bit.  The chicken is hot, tender and delicious.  I feel like I could eat Poulet Braisé forever!

If you are visiting Abidjan and can’t make Poulet Braisé at home, you could try eating it at Maison des Combattants in Plateau.  Theirs isn’t homemade; but, it’s really good.

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